In 2016, my team was tasked with planning a 400+ person internal event for our firm. We created everything from scratch; the design, the color scheme, theme, decor, gift items, and so on. It started with the logo and color scheme. Once we had nailed those down, I created designs for goodie bags, t-shirts for staff, and a giant wall for guests to sign their names on.
One of the items in the gift bags was a coloring book that also served as the agenda and guide for the event. Each page was illustrated by myself, and included space for notes, a map of the conference, the day’s agenda, coloring pages, a word search, and a spot the difference game.
In addition to the physical items at the event, we also created digital content for the email reminders, sign up page, as well as an app that attendees could use the day of to keep track of their events and even win prizes.
ClientBooz Allen HamiltonYear2016